Taste it
Taste It is a student design conference, where the speakers were invited to share a bit of their experiences as designers in a profesional, and personal level. As part of the great team behind this event I could not just help with the general communication, but also be one of the speakers.

A conference by the students for the students. Taste It was thought as a space where international students from the MAID program (Master of Arts in Integrated Design- Hochschule Anhalt)could share with the rest of the university's community part of their background.
The general concept went around the idea of "food experience". We used that analogy as a way to refer to our visions of design, as a meal that need to be experienced, tasted.

Taste it Manifesto:
"What happens when you are hungry?
You just want to feed yourself somehow,
Grab some food and put it in your body.
But what if the food you can have is well done
And every ingredient has a reason, a why, a measure;
What if it is well designed?
Design to feed you.
We want to feed you,
But especially feed your mind, your soul.
Feed it with our stories,
Our own approaches to the journey of being a designer,
A gestalter in the 21st century.
So, come, join this banquet.
Come, taste It!"
You just want to feed yourself somehow,
Grab some food and put it in your body.
But what if the food you can have is well done
And every ingredient has a reason, a why, a measure;
What if it is well designed?
Design to feed you.
We want to feed you,
But especially feed your mind, your soul.
Feed it with our stories,
Our own approaches to the journey of being a designer,
A gestalter in the 21st century.
So, come, join this banquet.
Come, taste It!"
The speakers and their talks:
·Saif:Don’t ask me what is Design
·Tiago: Curating Design
·Bárbara: S.O.S Comic Sans
·Paula: Empowering through Design
·Fahad: Phonalisa
·Sarah: How I taste design

Saif - Don’t Ask Me What Is Design. Engineer turned designer shares his experience about his passion for design and how it changed his world. Literally. Design life – Life design.

Tiago - Curating design. Narrating the story of the curator and his journey; piecing the puzzle together. Developing the concept, connecting the information and exhibiting the process.

Bárbara – SOS Comic Sans. Highlights how in the midst of a political hysteria, Comic Sans, the much hated font managed to save lives. Comic Sans – Monstrosity or Superman?

Paula – Empowering through Design. Where does cultural appreciation start and cultural appropriation in design begin? Design can empower communities, but where does cultural appreciation end and cultural appropriation begin? A personal journey towards the development of an accessory for afro-textured hair.

Fahad - Phonalisa. This talk challenges the boundaries between art and design and their interdependency on one another. I see your Monalisa and I raise you an iPhone. What’s the difference?

Sarah – How I taste Design. A designer’s journey into redefining design. Bitter, sweet, or nutty – at the end of the day it’s all just chocolate.
For this event, social media was the best channel to reach our audience, and therefore be able to fill the room. What is a talk without someone there to listen to it?
Part of that communication strategy included: Visual identity, copywriting, posts and social media banners design, video making, and expectation campaign.
Part of that communication strategy included: Visual identity, copywriting, posts and social media banners design, video making, and expectation campaign.

For the expectation campaign we produced a short video, in which we played with our food analogy in order to set some expectations for the event.

Thanks Summer Semester 2018 MAID!

Credits: Video documentation: Alberto Iberbuden //Cameras:Fu Hung Chen, Alberto Iberbuden //Sound:Saadat Hassan// Ph: Putri Sonia // Video expectations campaing:Eren Dundar, Sarah, Saadat Hassan, Barbara Niño // Social media strategy: Tiago Volpato // Event organization: Noor Daar // Art direction: Fahad Hossain 2017